General Stuff (User Perspective)
- Excel Export and Import with Create and Update Feature (Delete is not available)
- Processes (Dialog Based Workflows)
- Business Auditing (XML-Based)
- Create Entity on Import
- Strg + Z
- Goals (Sales)
- Recently Visited Objects (Pinnable)
- Completely new Outlook Client (MultiTenancy Support, Social Touch, Excel-Style Filtering)
- Mobile Client (also Dashboards are supported but not with Reports)
- Sharepoint Integration
- Solutions (Holy Grail?)
- WebResources (GIF, XAP, HTML, ...)
- Filtered Lookups (Hooray!)
- Ownership - Teams instead of Organization
- Views can be shared
- FieldLevelSecurity (If you dont have permissions on field Level --> Fielt is available but always empty)
- EntityBased Forms (If an account is a partner --> You can configure specific fields)
- RoleBased Forms (Sales-Team can have different forms than service)
- Connections - AddHock Relations
- Dashboards/Visualizations
- Lists as "Scrollable Views" in Entites
- Headers and Footers in Forms
- Tree/Sections instead of Tabs
- Ribbon instead of MenuBar
- Name of Root-Businessunit is changeable
- Automatically deleting of successfull workflow jobs
- Reccuring Activities
- Own Activity-Entities
- Marketplace Integration
- Default .NET Types (bye "CrmNumber" hello "int?"...)
- New BaseType "Entity"
- Linq Support
- DataProvider
- oData (WCF DataService) Endpoint for Silverlight and Javascript
- Plugins OnlineReady (Sandboxing)
- Transaction-Support in Plugins
- Portal integration
- Reports OnlineReady (Sandboxing)
- FetchXML for Reporting (Middle Tier)
- AzureSupport
- Online and OnPremise available
- Splitting Components (Async Service, Website...) to different Servers with GUI-Installer
- Authentication Changes (AD and Claims Based)
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